
Acrylic, Mixed Media Collage

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Water understands immutability.

Water will always be water whether liquid, vapor, ice,
it does not question its vacillations or many moods:

blackened cloud walls
trail rain in wide veils
to the water line

squall waves advance
like desperate soldiers
taking the beach

the sky pink silky and spun
red wisps reflect
upon the silent ebb

naked sand shimmers
under a flooding moon
velvet tide

fog caught in spiny treetops,
the sweet remains of morning
weightless and white

towering indigo walls
erode the crystalline past
into the sea

it is all one to the droplet
effortlessly becoming the ocean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new poem... yummy on this wet morning... The pairing with the painting is especially evocative... favorite lines: blackened cloud walls... water will always be water... spiny treetops... towering indigo walls...sweet remains of morning

Thoughts: advance like desperate soliders stopped me... especically in light of the last line, which I love, effortlessly becoming the ocean... that and crystalline past are the places I lost the tone of the poem!

Hugs, Jen